
Showing posts from November, 2020

T-Mobile Arena leads to employees losing out on money

 The pandemic has lead to many things being shutdown. Some of those include the T-Mobile Arena, where employees are struggling because of it. By Robert Rangel                                                                                                                       Photo Credit: Color Kinetics  The pandemic has shut down everything across the country. Las Vegas is the heart of entertainment and sports in the U.S. T-Mobile Arena is the home of the beloved Golden Knights, UFC, and multiple memorable concerts and events. Unfortunately, Covid-19 has shut it all down and have taken multiple people’s jobs away from them.  Due to T-Mobile’s shutdown, employees have lost their job and for some, it is their only source of income. Chris Sandoval and Neha Sabir are two employees from the arena that have been impacted by the shutdown tremendously.  “It’s the way I make my money you know,” Sandoval said. “It sucks and my pockets are hurting bad right now.”  Sandoval is a beer vendor for

UNLV professor finds a new way to teach everyone

The pandemic has made things difficult for both students and professors, however, one professor at UNLV has changed things up with his class. By Robert Rangel                                                                       Photo Credit: Michael Scott Davidson (Las Vegas Review Journal) The pandemic has impacted students all around the world. Students are forced to either go to class in person , where they could catch a deadly virus, or go online, where some students don’t have the resources to do so. However, one professor has used his creativity to give students a choice.  Ryan Thorp, a JMS professor at UNLV, has taken the initiative to teach his class online and in person simultaneously. Thorp, better known as RT, has taken this semester to test his idea out because he wanted to make his class convenient for his students.                                                                                                                                                              P